What interesting about this book (other than its cheap price) is on Chapter 18 Endgames in Super Tournament, author has include MasHafizul wins against Hernandez
Chess:The Search for Mona Lisa
Vimalathy continued to shine in her second Olympiad outing.
Top 5 Olympiad winners and our neighbour performance is as below:
25. Indonesia (Lindri, Tamin Darmayanti, Upi tamin, Wijaya Nanik)
30 The Philippines (Fontanilla, Geneciran, Lee, Llantada)
40 Malaysia
Let's take a look at below miniature game by best performer Malaysian player.
I like her 11.g4 move (which my engine also recommend), creating a very violent attack out of calm water.
Next stop, 1988 Thessaloniki Olympiad (men)
Top 10 ELO Gainer
TOP 10 ELO Loser
Though honestly Aziz shuld be on board 1 since his rating is higher than me.
Overall strategy
Since the flavour of the month (June) is junior chess ( We have ASEAN, Junior Tournament in India and MSSM), it is only appropriate if i write something within this scope.
Some 20 years ago, junior chess tournament mean MSSM. Simple. There are not many under age tournament around and junior chess activities (school, district, state) are always heading towards MSSM.
All in all, I have a good fortune in entering 4 MSSMs.
MSSMs to me always mean travelling and meeting new friends.
My first MSSM game.
It was 1988 and Terengganu was paired against Kelantan. Facing me is 7 years old boy named Mas Hafizulhelmi. Ok, a 14 years old boy against 7 years old boy. It will be a short game...
W:Mas Hafizulhelmi
B:Nor Ilhamuddin
MSSM 1988 (Seremban)
1. e4 e6
2.d4 d5
3.e5 c5
4.c3 Nc6
5.Nf3 Qb6
I know the trick! Capturing d4 pawn will lead to a loss of material after Bb5 check. No way i am going to allow that.
6. ... cd4
7.cd4 Bb4
8.Nc3 Nge7
9.0-0 0-0
Now there is no more Bb5 check! (so i thought...)
10.Re1 Nd4
11.Nd4 Qd4
12.Bh7 check!
Ouch! I resigned a few moves later.
True enough. It is a short game! (albeit, different outcome!)
My worst MSSM moment
It was during 1991 MSSM Dungun, Terengganu. Honor for 1st board prize (team event) is between me and Selangor's Hoy Weng Keung. Our score is something like this:
Me (6/7) = 85.7%
Hoy Weng Keung (5.5/6) = 91.7%
Top board prize should go to HYK ofcourse based on the percentage but somehow officials decide that i am the winner (maybe based on i scored more points). I know there is error in this but i chose to remain silent. Selangor team verbally protested but still officials decide that i am the winner.
Looking back, i should do the right thing by declining the top board medal.
Some of my MSSM memories.
"Chess teaches you to control the initial excitement you feel when you see something that looks good and it trains you to think objectively when you're in trouble." - Stanley Kubrick