So on 24th January 2013, 8.30
am, I reached DATCC to take part in DAT Golden Chess Connection Tournament…surprised to
see only Najib and Lim Kian Hwa around. Najib informed that if there are less
than 10 players then the format of the tournament will be Round Robin instead
of SWISS. I replied a diplomatically correct “Ok”…deep in my heart I hope there
will be only me and Kian Hwa so the format will be change to 8 games match and
I am confirmed to finish at least second (Oh, terrible me!)
Other then noticing that there is only 2
players around, also notice that DATCC is under the middle of massive
renovation…smells of paint…the contractor and their tools is everywhere… Najib
is now doing a ‘makeover’ to DATCC. Wish him all the best and definitely this
is a material for other posting (Najib and his vision for DATCC)
Fast forward one hour later, 19 players
finally confirmed taking part with top 5 players are:
Jax Tham
Wong Jianwen
Abdul Aziz
Varian Thien
Fast forward 4 days later, top 5 finishers
are as below:
1. Wong Jianwen
2. Ilham
3. Gabriel Bic
4. Zaiasron
1. Wong Jianwen
2. Ilham
3. Gabriel Bic
4. Zaiasron
5. Shreyes
Varian Thien
Varian Thien pulled out from the tournament
after second round. Do not know his reason but hopefully this is not due to his
first round loss to Ng Jen Sheng.
Queen sacrifice
I am particularly proud of my 8th
round win against top seeded, Jax Tham. It is a King Indian Attack, and after
consulting Mr Fritz, looks like both of us did not really played best moves but
what I am really proud is the last move that I played…
Below is the position after black’s 22. … Ne7,
preventing 23. Qg8.

I played 23. Qg8! anyway and I could see a
puzzlement on Jax’s face before finally he cracked to a laughter and
The force variation is 23. …Ng8 and 24. Nh7
checkmate…not everyday you can win a game by sacrificing rook and queen against
a formidable opponent!
The last stand.
After executing above checkmate… and finish doing
analysis of the game with Jax, Sumant and Jianwen (if I am not mistaken)….i
still have like 3 hours before final round. After some thought, I decided to
reward myself by going to Capsquare and
watched Swarzenagger’s The Last Stand.
And for the first time in my life I watch
the movie at cinema where I am the only person watching it inside the whole
cinema!...all alone and the whole movie is being screen just for me!…lucky for
me The Last stand is not a ghost movie… unlucky for me, I should make the
arrangement with my girlfriend to watch the movie! ;-)
Cameo Appearance
During the tournament several chess
personalities dropped by such as Datuk Tan Chin Nam, Hamid Majid, Haq, Rusdi
The Fountainhead
Hamid Majid dropped by on second and third day. He lend
me a book titled ‘The Fountainhead’, author Arn Ryan, and wants me to give my
comment after I have finished reading it.
He said some of my postings (wonder which
one?) makes him wants me to read the book…
Ok, I know that The Fountainhead is a good
book, can’t wait to read it myself and I plan to start The Fountainhead’s
journey immediately after I have finished my currently on going Cloud Atlas’
The Draw Offer(ssssss)
During the game between Jianwen and …his young opponent, Jianwen’s
opponent could be seen and heard offering draw to Jianwen almost at every time!
And every time Jianwen is refusing the draw.
I could see that Jianwen is quite irritate
but still keep a smiling face…at one time I could see arbiter (Nik Farouqi-with
serious face) came over to the table and ‘explained’ something like should not
offer draw so many times.
My advice to Jianwen’s young opponent…do
not be afraid to fight. Even if we lose at chess, we are not going to die…so
why afraid?
Enjoy the game...enjoy the fight!
Enjoy the game...enjoy the fight!
Lim Kian Hwa
Before the start of round 1, I had some
little chat with Mr Lim Kian Hwa.
So what is your next international
tournament after Manila ? I asked.
Oh, next month (and for two months
duration), I will be taking parts in various tournaments in Europe…come back
the reply.
Good luck and all the best Mr Lim.
…envy you!
…envy you!