The Journey
At about 3am
in the morning, I make a move from Setiawangsa and drove my new Saga (my
SLK, small Little Kancil's replacement) to Dungun…hence began my 800kms blitz
journey to take part in Dungun Blitz Tournament.
By 6am I
reached Cherating…perfect! From the window of my car I could almost saw
activities taken place inside those small wooden houses…mother preparing kopi
o…father waking up son or daughter for morning (Subuh) prayer…and kids who are
trying 1001 tricks to continue sleeping…
At 7am I
stopped at Kemaman for Nasi Dagang and Nescafe Ice. My WXK car plate number and
me reading News Strait Times (instead of Harakah) and I did not spoke in
Terengganu language…when its time to pay, I was told the price is 8 bucks. 8
bucks?! Instantly I know this makcik tried to rob me alive and instantly too I queried
her back in my flawless ( I think) Terengganu language.
Me: lapang
riya? Oo woh , guaner yang ma’ha ngak? (8 bucks? How come it is so expensive?)
Makcik: Ehh,
saloh…li’mer riya jer (Opps mistake…Its actually only 5 bucks)
…Ever since
that I just continue using my rusty Terengganu language to safeguard myself
against possible dual tourist pricing.
At 9am
having my second round of breakfast with Arshad and Razief. This time it is Nasi
Minyak. Yes, in Terengganu we have Nasi Minyak for breakfast
22 players
took part in this tournament. One thing unique that I saw it here is you don’t have to
fill up any form or write down your name etc to register…just go there, pay
RM10 entrance fee (That’s right, RM10 only…far cry from one future weekend rapid event in which entrance
fee is RM100!) and you are in…everybody knows everybody here.
Its 13 round
event and result (top 3) is as below.
1 1. Norazmi (11.5 points), RM200
2 2. Nor Ilhamuddin (10 points), RM150
3 3. Mohd Arshad (10 points), RM100
For records
prizes are up to number 10 with several special prizes thrown in.
ends at about 1.30 pm and after having lunch with Rahim, Gambit, Arshad, Indera
and few others, I drove back to KL and stopped along the way to buy Sata,
Keropok Lekor etc (and do the conversation in Terengganu language of course), I
reached home at about 8pm…just in time for dinner.