Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Now we have another Malaysian chess player, arbiter, organizer and so on by the name of Hamid Majid is all out to get that even more elusive and exclusive ‘G’ title, General Secretary of Fide that is! We will again supported this quest.
A week ago, shortly after we were being badly whitewashed by GM ZR, we had the opportunity to talk to Hamid Majid about his candidacy, he mentioned:
• Karpov has contacted him and offered him the Sec Gen seat. Hamid did not immediately say yes but instead seek the opinions/blessings of MCF, Dato Tan etc before accepting Karpov’s offer.
• Hamid expressed confident of winning. (You will Hamid especially now the octopus predict a Malaysian win again Singapore-source DATCC Blog)
• Hamid explained that Team Karpov have the backing of several big Multi National Corporations (MNCs) to develop chess programmes/activities. (Hope some of the activities will be at Malaysia)
• He count on support from every Malaysian to ensure the winning (We will support you Hamid, in every little way we can)
I could not say I know Hamid well even though I started to know him way back to early 90’s. All I could say (throughout 20 years observation) he is man of many characters (depend on the environments and audience)
He could be very funny, cracking jokes after jokes.
He could also be very strict, he once gave a future Woman World Champion and her opponent zero for agreeing a draw without making a single move. Early this year I saw Hamid tearing a scoresheet of two players who agreed a short draw.
He could also be a good listener. In my earlier posting I ‘criticized’ Hamid’s decision in one of local blitz event. Shortly after that he called me and said he read my posting …( and that time I was like, ok, I was about to get thrashing from International Arbiter, help!) and asked me to explain what’s going on during the game, I duly explained bla, bla, bla he just nodded his head and occasionally asked me to clarified further. And that’s it! No I-am-right-you-are wrong attitude, no pulling his weight, no nothing! Just a simple nodded and desire to know about my ‘version’of the event.
Most of the time, he is easy going and open minded type of guy.
No, I will not gain anything personally should Hamid win (and he will win, no doubt about that) but Malaysian chess in general will surely benefits out of his win.
This posting is not about 'bodek' Hamid (bodek!? ok maybe a bit) but more on supporting another fellow Malaysian chess citizen in his time of needs.
Go Hamid Go!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
After I discovered that GM Ziaur played nearly all openings against e4. (he even once played 1...b6 and get away with it) I stop studying chess and continued reading Wayne Rooney:My story so far.
Arrive at DATCC at about 7.40 pm. There are usual face all around, Siraj, Hamid, Samsudin Sabri, Aziz, Saprin, Farouqi and ofcourse GM Rahman together with his wife and son. Haq and Roslina are also here, busy playing chess with GM's son. Razali Ng6 came about five minute late due to office meeting that he attended earlier on.
Table order
- Ilham
- Samsudin
- Saprin
- Aziz
- Farouqi
The Game
W: Nor Ilhamuddin
B:GM Ziaur Rahman
1. e4 g6
Modern Defence. I expect Sicilian 2...e6, Nc6 or perhaps French. 2 things that immediately cross my mind is Mok Tze Meng (white) once beat GM Rahman in this defence and Andrew (black) once thrashed me in this setup.
2. d4 Bg7
3.Nc3 c6
4.f4 Qb6
5.Nf3 d5
A sharp line in which black sacrifice a pawn for active play.
6. e5 is better (GM Rahman said after the game)
6. ... Bg4
7.Be2 Nf6
8.0-0 cd5
9.Ne5 Be2

Sacrificing a pawn that black could be taken with a check. Anyway, the d4 pawn is taboo 10. ...Qd4 11. Be3 Qb4 12. Nb5 with lots of initiative for white.
10. ... 0-0
11.Qd3 Nc6
12.Nc6 Qc6
13.f5 Rac8
14.fg6 hg6
15.Bg5 Rfe8
16.Rae1 Qd7
17.Re2 Nh7
18.Bf4 a6
19.Be5 Nf6

Here Aqie whispered that the team rely on me to deliver the point.
20. ... b5
21.a3 Rc4
22.Nd1 Rf8
23.Re2 Nh5
24.Bg7 Ng7
25.Ne3 Rc6
Around here it is one to one match for us and GM duly take a seat in front of me.
26.Rf4 Nh5
27.Rh4 Nf6
28.c3 Re6

Mamak trick. Hoping for 29. ... gf5? 30.Qf5! with force mate in 14. The 'reverse gear' 29.Nf1 is necessary here. I am now got about 30 seconds left.
29. ... Re2
30.Nh6 Kg7
31.Qe2 Rh8
32.Qe3 Qf6
33.Qd2 Ne4
34.Qe3 Qf6 ??

35.g3 ??
Returning the favour. 35.Rf4! is winning for white which i saw only when i have already touch my g pawn.
35. ... Ng5
36.Kg2 Rh6
37.Rh6 Kh6
38. h4
I no longer recording the move. The game entered a queen ending with a plus pawn for black. I tried to open up the game (and hoping for perpetual check) but to no avail. later i lost on time in a losing position though black still needs to play very carefully to avoid the perpetual check.
We lost 0-5
Last but not least, thanks to Siraj for the invitation, GM Rahman for kind analysis after the game, to my team mate plus Mr Razali ofcourse.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
- he write his books for money
- "none of my books are a labour of love"
- he can't stop writing because of his mortgage obligation. (sounds familiar here ;-))
- constraint he faced due to page limitation agreement with publishers, etc
He conclude that article by analysing Jimmy Liew's win against Torre in 1986 by stating "...a nice win by the Veresov by some one who didn't read my book (it hadn't been published). Jimmy Liew uses a homemade treatment of the opening, going his own way on move five. Later, he shuffles and unleashes a fierce attack"
Davies must be very down then when he wrote the article. Who didn't when one of the comments for his Guenfeld book is "Nigel Davies: Please! Stop writing opening books!..." Anyway he is brave enough to reveal all this.
Anyway, here is that game and kindly go to the original article to enjoy Davies' annotation.
I especially likes Jimmy's 23rd move f5!! sacrificing the whole knight. My engine initially condemn that move but after the continuation 24.f6! (which engine could not find), the machine agreed that white is better. A victory of intuition against calculation!
But still after all that "confessions" at the end of his article, he recommend reader to read his Veresov book (The Veresov by Nigel Davies, Everyman 2004)